Community Art  Project

Community Art Project

As always, art plays an important part at Rhythms of the World. Local schools, community groups, Mind in Mid Herts and Hampden House will all help us create bright and beautiful artwork for this special 20th Rhythms festival.

At the festival, children will be invited to the Community Arts Village to help us paint a new diorama ‘Under water magic’ - they can have their picture taken with Neptune or be transformed into an octopus. We are also constructing a Pop Art-style ‘Art Wall’ that will be painted in sections by schoolchildren from all over Hitchin and Letchworth. Added to this, activities and demonstrations including painting, drawing, willow sculpture, a painting board and practical demonstrations to involve visitors to the festival in art activities.

The fence banners and Aboriginal arch paintings from previous years will add to the colour on site, displaying all the hard work that everybody has undertaken to make the festival a success each year. These were created by schools and after-school and holiday clubs in Hitchin, Letchworth and Knebworth. Garlands and bunting will decorate the fences and highlight the trees.

2011 Artists in Residence

Following last year’s successful Artists in Residence scheme, we are again inviting four practicing artists to create artwork on site during the festival  You can judge for yourselves whether the artists have successfully captured the ethos of the festival… then let us know what you think!

If you are an artist who would like to be involved please find out how to send us a proposal. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday May 24th so hurry!

Rhythms of the World 20th Festival Exhibition

Saturday June 11 to Saturday July 16, Hitchin Museum.

Delve into the history of our wonderful world music festival, look at archive material, memorabilia and photos, as well as artwork from last year’s artists in residence. See if you can spot yourself in a ROTW archive photo!

Make a comment or bring your memory to the exhibition…   If you have some old ROTW memorabilia please contact us.

Hitchin Priory
Prodigious Events
Production Plus
University of Hertfordshire
WMT - Chartered Accountants
BBC Three Counties Radio
The Comet